About The Club

The Bookity Bookity Book Club is a group of people who read the same book separately but discuss it together online the last Tuesday of every month. If you have any questions, please send a message to girlonthepark@gmail.com.

The first rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
It’s cool to talk about the Bookity Bookity Book Club. The larger a cross section we have of people who are willing to participate, the more interesting a dialogue there will be about the book, so everyone is welcome.

The second rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
To participate, you may respond either in the comment section of the main post here at B.B.B.C. or, if you have a blog of your own, you can send us a link to your own response entry.

The third rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
You are by no means obligated to participate every month. It would definitely be nice for consistency’s sake, but sometimes life gets busy and there’s no need to turn something that should be enjoyable into a chore.

The fourth rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
There is no “right way” to discuss the book after you finish reading it. I know when we were in school and had to write book reports, there were certain topics you had to hit, but that’s not what this is. If you want to get into deeper literary analysis, go for it, but if you just want to write about the things you liked (or in some cases didn’t like) about that month’s title, that’s cool too.

The fifth rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
Be considerate of the other group members. No one will respond to a book in exactly the same way and that’s totally okay, but slagging other readers is not. If you have a difference of opinion, feel free to express it, but do so in a respectful way. Otherwise, you will be turfed.

The sixth rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
Suggestions are always welcome and we will make a running list of titles which the core members will vote on, but please note that we cannot read anything from a series as that requires prior knowledge and we want everyone to be on the same page (hardy har har) when it comes to the book we choose. (Also, because this is a unisex club, please try and keep your suggestions on the man friendly side – Ie. Nothing with a neon pink cover).

The seventh rule of the Bookity Bookity Book Club is:
Have fun!

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